Technical, highly skilled and exciting!
Prop Manipulators can add that flourish to your event by performing mesmerizing skill acts for your guests to watch while dressed in themed attire to match your event.
★ Ball and club Juggling
★ Contact Juggling
★ Fans
★ Hula Hoop
★ Poi Spinning
★ Staff Spinning
★ Yo-yo Manipulation
★ And More!
★ Contact Juggling
★ Fans
★ Hula Hoop
★ Poi Spinning
★ Staff Spinning
★ Yo-yo Manipulation
★ And More!
★ Corporate Events
★ Festivals
★ Fundraisers
★ Theme Parks
★ Trade Shows
★ Weddings
★ Bars and Clubs
Any where your looking to add a big flourish to your event!

That was so cool seeing you guys juggle with each other over the entrance way to our event as guests walked in.
I love seeing the light dance you guys do, it takes a lot of talent to be able to move that gracefully while spinning those things!
…if you’re looking for something different for your party, this guy delivers.