
TriXtan’s Triple Triad (or TTT) is a Card Game that is played with any TriXtan Entertainment business card – These cards can be obtained at any TriXtan Entertainment event, from any of our Entertainers or Staff.  This tutorial is broken down into a few different parts, the rules on this page are for standard play, but there are alternative Play Rules to play by. Of course if  you change or create new Play Rules, make sure the players agree to each of the Play Rules before each match.


This version of Triple Triad is based on an existing card game from a popular video game called Final Fantasy VIII and the original card game was conceived by the Final Fantasy VIII battle system designer Hiroyuki Ito.  This altered play style was conceived by Tristan Court and play tested by friends and fellow entertainers.


Triple Triad plays on a square grid 3X3 forming 9 squares, the size of each playing card.  The game is played with 10 cards and 2 players, giving 5 cards to each player with the grid sitting in the middle of the two players.  Each card has 4 numbers on them, one in the top, left, right and bottom of playing card.  These numbers interact with cards that are already on the playing field (the grid).

Should a card placed on to the playing field be higher than the card it is placed beside, then the player that placed the new card gets to flip the card(s) it was placed beside. Each player takes a turn placing cards down onto the grid until each square is filled.  The game ends when the playing field is full.  Then the score can be checked to see who won. (See How to Score.)


Start by shuffling the deck of 10 (or more) cards, and deal 1 to each player face down until each of the two players have 5 cards each – Imagine a 3X3 grid (Drawn or invisible) forming 9 squares a little larger than the cards located between the two players. Each player looks at his or her cards and play can start.

Playing Cards

You play cards from your hand to the playing field face up (Picture side up) as well as the card has to be oriented towards the person that played it.  Your opponent will do the same, placing his/her cards face up and aligning the cards to face him/her.  Your cards should look upside down to the opposing player.

To capture (overtake) a card, there must already be one or more cards on the playing field.

Numbers Battles

In standard play rules when placing a card next to a card that your opponent possesses, you enter a Numbers Battle.   If the number on your card that is next to your opponents has a higher value, you get to flip their card to take possession of it.

For example, if you place a card that has a value of 7 on the side touching your opponents and your opponent’s card has a value of 6, you get to flip their card and take possession.  Should the value of the card be the same or less, nothing happens and you don’t flip their card.

See Alternative rules (in Part 2 of this blog)

Possession of cards

To know who owns possession (or controls) of the cards on the playing field, there are 4 different points to know for each player.

Cards you possess,

  • Cards oriented towards you face up (picture side up)
  • Cards oriented towards your opponent face down

Cards your opponent possesses,

  • Cards oriented towards your opponent face up
  • Cards oriented towards you face down

You can overtake any card that your opponent possesses as long as you win the Number Battle.  To show that you have taken possession of the card, you must Flip it, this Flip is done horizontally (like flipping a page in a book).

Game Start

Flip a coin to see who goes first, every consecutive game played after the loser goes first.


Going first places you in a vulnerable position where your card could be taken by your opponent, as your card will be open on all sides.  However, it allows you to have the last turn to take over any remaining cards.

After the initial card has been placed, the opposing player has the option to place a card next to it, entering him or herself into a Number Battle with the opposing player or place a card somewhere else on the playing field not engaging in a battle.

As the grid gets filled up with playing cards, the Numbers Battle begins.  It is possible to enter (and win) a Numbers Battle with more than one card at a time.  For example, if there are cards in your opponent’s possession next to the empty square you play on, then you can flip all cards with adjacent numbers less than yours.

Game Ends

The Game Ends when the 9 squares are filled up with cards.  Then your’re ready to count the score to see who won!  Remember, the player that went second will have one extra card left over.


Checking for the final score is easy, you just need to follow a few steps which are the following,

  1. Pick up any cards that are oriented towards you that have the picture side face up and place them in your hand.
  2. Pick up any cards that are oriented towards your opponent that have picture side face down and place them in your hand.
  3. Count the number of cards in your hand (the player that went second should have 1 card left over from play, this card count to his/her score)
  4. Who ever has the most amount of cards in hand wins!

Quick Recap

  • 2 players
  • Set up 3X3 grid consisting of 9 squares
  • Each player is dealt 5 cards
  • Flip coin to see who goes first
  • Players take turns placing cards down until grid is full
  • Check for score to see who won
    • Each player picks up cards facing them picture side up
    • As well as each card facing your opponent picture side down
    • Count your cards, the player with the most cards wins!

Additional Rules

There are additional rules that you can play with for TriXtan’s Triple Triad Card Game, these additional Play Rules will be discussed on Part 1 of the Blog.  They will be able to be played in place of or in combination of others Play Rules.

Thank you

We hope you enjoy playing TriXtan’s Triple Triad card game and good luck collecting all the different TriXtan Entertainment collectable, playable, trading cards our entertainers have.  We also look forward to performing for you live at the next event!

– Tristan Court